- Beauty, Health tips, Nutrition

The low-carb lifestyle: pros and cons

This article provides an answer to the question, The low-carb lifestyle: pros and cons. The advantages and disadvantages of the low-carb are compared.
Low-carbohydrate diet: Pro Contra

The good news, a diet without carbohydrates works! The bad news, a diet without carbohydrates does not work permanently. One should in any case pay attention to one’s diet and eat a healthy and above all conscious diet. Both carbohydrates, as well as protein and fats have their tasks in the human body and a complete renunciation is not possible.

low-carb lifestyle pros and cons

If you want to loseweight  you should definitely prefer low-carbohydrate foods.

What’s true?

The fact is that if you don’t eat carbohydrates you can lose a lot of weight relatively quickly, i.e. if you eat cheese, bacon, meat and sausage without bread, potatoes or noodles you will lose kilos. The problem is, however, that you simply feel like eating these very foods after a short time and for a good reason: carbohydrates make you happy. It makes sense to switch to a healthy mixture, i.e. to prefer the slow and longer satiating carbohydrates (wholemeal) and to do without the fast carbohydrates such as white flour and sugar.

Disadvantages of a low carbohydrate diet are:

  • Too much fat promotes blood fat levels, which is not desired
  • Abstaining from carbohydrates leads to attacks of cravings for what triggers the yoyo effect.
  • Too much protein can lead to gout and hyperacidity of the body
  • Without carbohydrates the muscles lack fuel

How to distinguish fast from slow carbohydrates?

As a rule of thumb, sweet carbohydrates are faster, i.e. they taste sweet because they are already broken down into simple sugars, such as glucose, in the mouth, which causes them to enter the blood more quickly. As a result, the blood sugar level rises rapidly and fat is no longer burned. As blood sugar levels rise, you quickly get hungry again, because it sinks just as quickly and signals hunger to your body.

The glycemic index now indicates how fast certain carbohydrates raise the blood sugar level but not how many carbohydrates are actually contained. Important is the glycemic index and the carbohydrate content of the food, that is then the glycemic load.

So there are three methods of carbohydrate avoidance:

    • Low Carb avoids all carbohydrates
    • Glyx diets avoid carbohydrates with high glycemic index

diets that avoid foods with a high glycemic load

The latter method is the healthiest and can also be effective in the long term.

With all diets one should be on it sufficiently nutrients to supply. If not about food, then at least through vitamin supplements and other supplements. The consequences of a unbalanced or inadequate diet can be attacks of weakness, concentration problems and deficiency symptoms such as hair loss.

Carbohydrates and weight loss

Especially for losing weight, carbohydrates have an important function. If you want to lose weight, you should eat as little carbohydrate as possible. Above all one should do without carbohydrates in the evening. Proteins play a greater role here, as they are essential for muscle building. If strength training is also used to build muscle during effective weight loss, then muscle build-up is supported by a high-protein diet, thus creating more “energy consumers”. The muscles are therefore helpful for effective weight loss.

The low-carb lifestyle: pros and cons fat
On the other hand, it is said that the fat burns only in the “fire of carbohydrates”, so that no case should do without carbohydrates.

Here the time is very important, namely not in the evening, when one should take the carbohydrates.

As conclusion it can be said that one should simply pay attention to how many carbohydrates one consumes and when. If one wants to lose weight, one should take low-carbohydrate food to itself, one is engaged perseverance sportsman the body needs more Kohelnhydrate. In any case, all unbalanced diets are always bad for the body in the long run.

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