- Health tips, Wellness

Phytotherapy for skin diseases: an education with a future

Phytotherapy training is a special path that will become more important in Germany in the next few years. What is this about? This article describes the details.

At the moment, large cities like Hamburg or Berlin are not as affected by the shortage of doctors as rural areas. However, according to many forecasts, a shortage of specialists will soon become particularly noticeable in the cities due to the ageing population.

Phytotherapy for skin diseases
Students who decide to study medicine today have a good chance of secure jobs as doctors.

Even today you often have to wait a long time for an appointment with a specialist. For example, if you are looking for a dermatologist in Hamburg, with whom you can quickly make an appointment, you can already experience today in a big city that this will not be possible. Even where there are still relatively many doctors, you have to be prepared for long waiting times.

Skin diseases will increase

As people get older and older, the diseases for which particularly many doctors are needed will also change. The tendency to skin diseases increases with increasing age. Many people already suffer from skin diseases. As people get older and older, this trend will increase. And there are already too few dermatologists even in the big cities. Who will look for a dermatologist in Hamburg in a few years, will then be able to find him even more difficult than it is already the case today.

Medicinal plants are often well suited for treatment of skin diseases

Skin diseases can often be treated very well with medicinal plants. In the case of these diseases in particular, phytotherapy is often the method of choice to provide patients with relief. From this point of view, it is certainly worthwhile for young people to think about the profession in which they learn a lot about the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of skin diseases in terms of secure jobs.

Study courses for prospective dermatologists

In general, prospective dermatologists should ensure at Dermatology studies that the department of phytotherapy is also optimally and comprehensively taught.

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