- Health tips, Nutrition

Roasted red pepper and orange relish Recipe

This Roasted red pepper and orange relish Recipe is really simple and yet very delicious. Do try it out! I dont normally include items like “relish” on this site. Its a tier a two up in the cooking vernacular, and usually a tier or two up in required skills as well.

This recipes made it through, however, because not only does it sound good (read: impressive) but it tastes good, its quite easy to make, and its paleo friendly.

The originally intention of this recipe was as a toping for salmon, its flavor is somewhat sweet, while the macro flavor is still quite savory. The citrus flavor goes well with the fish while the roasted red peppers give it a Mediterranean taste.

Roasted red pepper and orange relish Recipe

Roasted red pepper and orange relish Recipe

This is not something I would make for myself of for my boys. Its not a manly dish at all, but that being said its what we here at CIJ would classify as a “panty peeler”. The name alone just oozes sophistication, especially to your average American how-do-I-boil-water girl. Its pulled right from between the covers of a fine restaurant.


  • A saucepan


  • 2-3 oranges (depending on size) or about 2 cups of orange segments
    1 lime
    2 cups of orange juice
    1 piece of peeled ginger, roughly the size of your thumb
    1 tbsp of honey
    1 small jar of roasted red peppers (you want about half as much peppers as orange segments)
    1/2 tsp of granulated or powdered garlic (go with the granulate if you have a choice)

Do Work!

  • Start by chopping or grating the ginger, if you grate it go against the grain of the fibers so you dont end up with a bunch of stringy bits in the final product.
  • Open the jar of red peppers and pull the peppers out and save the juice in the bottom of the jar. This stuff is mad tasty. Dice the peppers into small pieces
  • Microwave the lime for about 15 seconds then firmly press it against the counter with your palm and roll it. Cut the lime in half and juice it into something and pick out any seeds you find.
  • Dump everything into your pot and turn the heat on low.
  • Stir GENTLY. Laying a woman down by the fire gently. Holding a baby gently. Wiping your ass with a hemorrhoid gently.
  • Cook this, stirring gently, until its reduced by about half and the consistency is more syrupy
    Season it with salt and pepper

This goes fantastically on fish, especially fish with a stronger flavor like salmon. A piece of grilled chicken would do wonderfully with this on top as would a BBQ rubbed and then grilled flank steak. In all cases you want a piece of meat that has a strong flavor on its own.

This stuff is potent and you dont want to put it on something bland, but savory (think boiled chicken) because the sweetness in the relish will be to strong relative to the meat.

Go get your fancy on

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