Super compensation is extremely important in sport training. What is it and why is it so important for building muscle? This article shows the principle.
The training principle of supercompensation in sports training
Every athlete who wants to train in a more or less performance-oriented way should carry out a training program that makes sense in itself.
That means, no matter which sport you do, you have to set the right accents between training stimulus and regeneration phase.
Successful training depends on certain training principles Successful training depends on certain training principles
Every athlete has a more or less pronounced ambition, and mostly health and an increase in performance are in the foreground. However, too much ambition can be counterproductive, because too frequent and above all too intensive training does not allow the body regeneration phases.
The result is not only no increase in performance, but rather overtraining, up to complete exhaustion of the body.
In order to be able to practice your sport training as effectively and success-oriented as possible, the principle of Super compensation must be observed. The body has at a certain point in time a certain capacity, or a certain load limit, which one should know as an athlete, and if possible in the training units should reach. Afterwards, the body is exhausted or exhausted and urgently needs a recovery or regeneration phase.
However, the body automatically uses this regeneration phase not only to reach the physical performance level before the training stimulus, but the body also strives to better prepare itself for such a strain, to increase the performance level. The body therefore expects such a physical strain again, and would like to do itself with this future achievement more easily. This increase in performance level operates the body in the phase of regeneration.
The supercompensation phase is a prerequisite for performance increase
In the moment of the regeneration phase, in which the body provides more energy than before the last load, one speaks of the overcompensation or supercompensation phase. So you are more efficient in this phase. If the body is in this phase, the next training stimulus should ideally be a little stronger. Even after this training stimulus, the body again strives to create this stronger training stimulus more easily the next time and will increase the performance level again in a sufficient regeneration phase.
The art here is to know the right time for supercompensation of his body in order to consciously increase the performance level. For this reason it is absolutely necessary to give the body the required rest periods, so that effective athletic training is possible at all.
- supercompensation sport training
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