- Beauty, Health tips, Wellness

Yoga and Ayurveda

There are too many factors that can stress a person and put both body and soul under high voltage. Yoga and Ayurveda can help.

Stress, hectic, restlessness, family, job, environment – Many people are therefore looking for a way to bring body and soul back into harmony.

Yoga is a way to relax and center through meditation combined with gentle and targeted movement.

In the meantime, there are countless yoga schools and types that work with the most diverse approaches.

  • Do you practice yoga yourself and want to convince others of its advantages?
  • Do you want to start yoga and not know which school is best for you?
  • or do you have very special yoga tips?



The generic term yoga (which translates as “unity”) encompasses many different yoga orientations that are quite different in themselves.

Power yoga is one of these directions, which is in many mouths today and is gaining more and more popularity. Unlike other types of yoga, power yoga is characterized by flowing movements in which the so-called asanas (yoga postures) are performed in choreographies. In power yoga, the individual yoga positions do not stand isolated next to each other but merge into a single sequence of movements, which also gives the whole thing an interesting aesthetic component. In addition to the targeted and correct execution of movements, breathing (pranajama), which should be adapted synchronously to the movement sequences, is particularly important here.

In power yoga, all muscle groups involved in the exercises are equally strained, it is gentle and gentle and helps to improve mobility and coordination. By regular execution Poweryoga helps to more fitness, perseverance and efficiency.

The origin of this form of fitness is the country in which trend sports are literally bred: Poweryoga comes from the USA, where it was developed by Bryan Kest around 1980. Power Yoga is actually a variation of classical Ashtanga Yoga, which is still taught in India today. In addition to elements of Ashtanga Yoga, Poweryoga exercises also take into account findings from modern sports medicine, so that even completely inexperienced yoga practitioners are able to complete the exercises without problems.

Anyone interested in Poweryoga will find numerous offers for Poweryoga courses in every major city.

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