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Which vaccination is needed for which country?

Vaccinate first, then pack: Which vaccination is needed for which country? Our article today answers this question.

Which immunization you need now for which destination

Asking your neighbours to water the flowers is not always enough as travel preparation: the more remote the destination and the more individual the trip, the more vaccinations are needed. It is best to think about this six weeks before departure. Some vaccinations require several appointments and certain intervals must be observed. Many health insurance companies now cover the costs of recommended travel vaccinations.

But what vaccination protection do you need for your holiday destination?

“I travel in Europe.”

The basic vaccination protection should always exist. These include immunizations against diphtheria and tetanus (tetanus). For this, the immunization from childhood days must be refreshed every ten years with a vaccination (in a double pack). This is free for all insured persons.

Which vaccination is needed for which country

Each adult should be also vaccinated at least four times against poliomyelitis (three vaccinations plus one booster vaccination). In some regions of Germany (see map on the right), in Austria and some Eastern European countries (such as the Czech Republic and Hungary) one should be vaccinated against the dangerous early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE), which is transmitted by ticks. 14 days after two vaccinations at intervals of four weeks you have a resilient protection. 9 to 12 months later – after a third vaccination – there is an immunisation for three years.

“I fly to a country with low hygiene standards.”

In such countries, vaccination against hepatitis A (a form of infectious jaundice) is important. Like jaundice, typhoid and cholera can be transmitted via food and water. You can find out whether these vaccinations are recommended for your holiday destination from your doctor or on a travel medicine page on the Internet (see below right).

Hepatitis B (a form of infectious jaundice that can become chronic in some cases) is transmitted by contact with blood and especially during unprotected sexual intercourse – and is widespread in many countries. If you want to be absolutely sure, you should also be vaccinated against it when travelling long distances. Two vaccinations are required every three weeks before the trip, a third vaccination 6 to 12 months after the second.

“I want to go to Asia, Africa or South America.”

Which vaccination is needed for which country brasilIf you last had polio vaccination ten years or more ago, a refresher is necessary. Some countries require proof of yellow fever vaccination (e.g. Ghana, Ivory Coast, Bolivia). Remember in good time, because this proof is only valid ten days after the injection. Meningitis (<strong) should be vaccinated by meningococcal bacteria at least 14 days before the start of the holiday if you travel to the countries of the Sahel and tropical zones in Africa. Whether malaria prophylaxis is necessary for your destination is best discussed individually with your doctor.

  • Which vaccination is needed for which country?

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