What are the causes of neurodermatitis and what are the symptoms? How can this disease be detected? This article shows…
Health tips
Wellness Tip – Swimming pond in the Feng Shui Garden
The decision to integrate a swimming pond into the Feng Shui garden requires good planning. This article describes some basics…
Breast cancer chemo nutrition: What to eat?
Breast cancer chemo nutrition: What to eat? What can you eat if you have cancer, what do you have to…
Pain in the joints – causes and reasons
Pain in the joints is a common phenomenon. What can you do about it, how can you act? This article…
Which amino acids does the body need
Which amino acids does the body need? This article answers this question and gives an overview of the essential amino…
Is eating fish every day healthy?
Is eating fish every day healthy? This article offers the answer to this question based on current results, which are…
How to sleep on your side correctly
It’s not just how dark your room is or how much smooth jazz you play before you glide into the…
The Body Mass Index Formula
How to calculate the body mass index formula? This article shows what to do and how to interpret the Body…
Avoiding, recognizing and treating periodontitis
How can periodontitis be avoided and treated? This article shows you what it’s about, why it’s important and gives 3…
How to strengthen your immune system with food
How to strengthen your immune system with food? This article shows us what the immune system is and what influence…